Snack Newsletter #28: Of-Balance, Part 2 - The silliness
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Snack Newsletter #28: Of-Balance, Part 2 - The silliness

“Life is a series of interruptions”

3:56AM is the highlight of my day. A rabbit hole of articles about how to run my life and my business sparked writing - it was really awesome to read the acknowledgment of self-employment burnout, to see that someone else feels all the feels. (Read it here on RadReads)

It’s just nice and I don’t feel it often - I don’t have many friends who can sympathize with me in that sense, and what’s more logical than connecting deeply to internet strangers in our time?

I’ve been taking a course on quick reading, because I believe investing in the infrastructure of my life is important. I stopped learning new things (in an organized way, I obviously always learn!) for the last 6 months, being busy with creation. I’m tired, and I want to be a student. These articles were a good reminder that work only feels like play when you enjoy the process, and one of the ways to notice when I’ve fallen off the wagon is by doing new things.

The illusion I’ve battled with is that the more I do new things, the less I can actually move forward and grow because I get curious and excited and I just keep learning instead of implementing what I know. What good is it if I suffer from this behavior? Now I’m not perfect AND I’m sad.

Maybe this is the actual thing to work on - balancing learning (which feels like play) and doing necessary stuff (work).

Here's me being silly, reminding you that life isn't supposed to be so serious.

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